This function allows to user to display a pie chart by selecting the template, the number of groups of interest and whether to display the proportions or not, in order to make it easier to choose between the many templates available in the package tastypie.

pie_templates(template, n_groups = 4, perc = FALSE)



The chosen template.


A number from 2 to 9.


A logical value. Should the proportions be displayed?
Note that if the selected template is one of those to be used with pie_bake_pro (listed in the pie_template_list_pro vector), this argument is useless.


A ggplot object. In particular, this function returns a pie (or similar) chart according to the choice of template and the other specifications provided.

See also

See all the available templates displayed here!


pie_templates(template = "bw1", n_groups = 3, perc = TRUE)

pie_templates(template = "watermelon2", n_groups = 8)